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ICT and Data Security

IIMO implements the NIH Security Best Practices for Controlled-Access Data Subject to the NIH Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy.
IIMO IT infrastructure is provided by Mikronika. Mikronika and IIMO implemented the ISMS (information security management system), which is currently being audited for compliance with ISO / IEC-27001 that covers the following areas:

- IT security
- Access to information
- Management of permissions
- Creation software
- Construction equipment

Access to all data is monitored and restricted in accordance with the provisions of the ISMS. IIMO has dedicated computational servers and database servers. All employees are trained annually with the safety rules and the requirements of the ISMS. Access to buildings in Mikronika and IIMO is monitored. All the buildings are designated “areas of control”. Access to all rooms requires use of smart cards. Access to the servers, depending on the role they play, is performed in the following manner:

- critical data: dedicated lAN, dedicated computers
- office data and databases use separate VLANs
- Data public web servers, mail, etc. are located at the DMZ zone.

Mikronika uses a dual configuration of firewalls, the connection with the outside are possible only through VPN connections (cisco infrastructure). All computers are equipped with ESET (update server located on the internal network). For monitoring safety is used software and hardware from Juniper Networks (IDS and IPS detection).

Marek Wawrzyniak, IIMO Chief Informatics Officer and IT Director. Marek Wawrzyniak graduated as a Master Engineer of mathematics (numerical methods) from Poznań University of Technology in 1995. Since 2015 he also serves as director of IT and CIO at IIMO.